Our Galaxy

A complementary team


Marc Blanchard

Project Leader

Patrick Hermann


Prof. Dr. med Thomas Hügle


Lars Backhaus

Business & Finance
We foster an open, innovative entrepreneurial culture. Any form of contribution to or collaboration with ATREON can be envisaged.

The "Fondation pour l'innovation technologique" FIT has awarded ATREON with the FIT grant 2020 in recognition of the innovative nature of ATREON. (https://fondation-fit.ch/en/bourse-fit-grant/)

ATREON is based in the ecosystem of University Hospital Lausanne (CHUV) and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Strong links exist with the "Future of Health" with CSS insurance.

Fiduciaire Favre, Lausanne is our economic advisor and supports with formal and administrative assistance and council.

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